2015 Symposium: Publications

Special Section of International Journal of Communication devoted to "Media Genealogy"
Media Genealogy: Technological and Historical Engagements of Power — Introduction
Alexander Monea, Jeremy Packer, 19 pgs.
Media Genealogy| Abstract Materialism: Peter Galison Discusses Foucault, Kittler, and the History of Science and Technology
Jeremy Packer, Peter Galisonm, 14 pgs.
Media Genealogy| An Archive for the Future: Paul N. Edwards on Technology, Historiography, Self and World
Alexander Monea, Paul N. Edwards, 12 pgs.
Media Genealogy| Is the Earth an Optical Medium? An Interview with Chris Russill
Kate Maddalena, Chris Russill ,17 pgs.
Media Genealogy| Cinema/Cybernetics/Visuality: A Conversation with Orit Halpern
Eddie Lohmeyer, Orit Halpern, 13 pgs.
Media Genealogy| As If, or, Using Media Archaeology to Reimagine Past, Present, and Future: An Interview with Lori Emerson
Jay Kirby, Lori Emerson, 14 pgs.
Media Genealogy| The Future of Critique: Mark Andrejevic on Power/Knowledge and the Big Data-Driven Decline of Symbolic Efficiency
J. J. Sylvia IV, Mark Andrejevic