Donate to CRDM

Your gift to the CRDM Enhancement Fund provides much-needed enhancement dollars for our students, faculty and program.  You will be helping us recruit top students to CRDM, build a sense of community among our students, faculty and administration, and provide high-impact experiences for the program.  Your gift makes events such as the CRDM Symposium possible and provides the program with the means to create beneficial partnerships within the university and beyond.

By check:

  • Please make your check payable to the NC State Foundation, Inc.
  • Write your specific designation "CRDM Enhancement" on the memo line.
  • Mail to the Humanities and Social Sciences’ Development Office, NC State University, PO Box 7016, Raleigh, NC 27695-7016.

By Pledge:

  • You may pledge a gift to be paid monthly, quarterly, annually or in installments and then arrange for payment either by check or credit card.  If you are interested in establishing a pledge, please contact the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Office of Development at 919.513.7604 or send an email to the development office.

By Credit Card:

For additional information on making a gift to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the CRDM Program, please call the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Office of Development at 919.513.7604 or send an email to the development office.