Support Resources
The following free resources are provided through NC State for students. These resources help support and maintain student wellbeing and safety on campus.
The Career Development Center helps students become standout job candidates. They work with you to develop a career path that matches your unique talents, interests, and ambitions. The Career Development Center provides resources, programs, and services at every stage of the career planning process. Their services include career assessments, resume feedback, free professional clothes for an interview or a job fair, and interview preparation. You can schedule an appointment with a career counselor or you can visit the Career Development Center for drop-in hours at 2100 Pullen Hall.
- Phone: 919.515.2396
- Email:
The Counseling Center believes that a healthy emotional life is the foundation for personal, academic, and professional success. Honoring individual differences, core human values, and the complexities of collegiate life, the counselors use compassionate, professional interactions to support emotional balance while encouraging students to reach their potential. The Counseling Center provides a variety of services, such as:
- Academic Counseling
- Addictive Behavior Counseling
- Career Counseling
- Case Management and Off-Campus Referrals
- Drop-In Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Psychiatric Services (first two visits are free)
- Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence Services
- Workshops
All these counseling services are free to students unless noted otherwise (see Counseling Center Eligibility and Costs for more information). You begin services by making an appointment with the Counseling Center online and use their phone number to schedule follow-up appointments.
- Phone: 919.515.2423
Another resource is the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS) Embedded Counselor who can provide services either during drop-in hours or through individual appointments, which can be made through the Counseling Center. The CHASS Embedded Counselor has the benefit of being familiar with the specific demands of students in CHASS. The current CHASS Embedded Counselor drop-in hours are:
- Wednesdays, 12 - 2 p.m. in Room 116 of the 1911 Building
The Disability Resource Office (DRO) works diligently to ensure that students with disabilities are provided an equal opportunity to participate in courses and programs by determining appropriate accommodations for students and serving as a resource to faculty in helping them understand their obligation in the provision of approved accommodations. The DRO helps students to acquire accommodations in their classes and for events on campus. They work for students with both long-term and short-term disabilities. The DRO staff encourages students to make an appointment before visiting their office to ensure staff availability. You can visit their office in Holmes Hall, Suite 304 and contact them via phone or email:
- Phone: 919.515.7653
- Email:
The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity (OIED) seeks to create an NC State experience where everyone, regardless of beliefs, background, orientation or ability, feels at home as part of the Wolfpack. The OIED oversees the African American Cultural Center, Women's Center, LGBTQ Pride Center, Multicultural Student Affairs, and Interfaith Prayer and Meditation Spaces on campus. Additionally, there are OIED workshops for students to provide training to create and maintain a campus community that is inclusive and welcoming for all. The OIED is located on the second floor of Winslow Hall on the NC State University campus. You can also contact the office via phone or email:
- Phone: 919.515.3148
- Email:
Reporting Discrimination on Campus
Part of the OIED's job is processing complaints related to discrimination on campus. If you experience or see an instance of discrimination on campus, you should review the OIED's Resources for Reporting Concerns.
The Office of International Services (OIS) helps international students navigate life at NC State. For current students, they offer help with maintaining visa status, course enrollment, immigration and travel, employment, and much more. One of the services offered are appointments with an OIS advisor. The OIS can be found in Suite 320, 111 Lampe Drive and can be contacted via phone or email:
- Phone: 919.515.2961
- Email:
The Office of Student Conduct handles complaints about student misconduct. They also help students with legal representation. You can visit the Office of Student Conduct at 300 Clark Hall or contact the office through phone or email:
- Phone: 919.515.2963
- Email:
Pack Essentials is a university program meant to support students in need of food, housing, financial and educational security. Categories of resources under Pack Essentials include:
The Title IX Office is committed to ensuring that every member of the NC State community learns and works in an environment free of sex discrimination and sexual harassment. Consistent with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, NC State does not tolerate discrimination against students, employees or members of the community on the basis of sex in any of its programs or activities. Sexual harassment (including sexual violence) is a kind of sex discrimination and is prohibited by Title IX and by NC State. You can find out who is considered a responsible employee (an employee mandated to report instances of sexual discrimination, harassment, and violence to the Title IX office) through the Title IX Office's List of Designated Officials.
Title IX requires that all educational institutions that receive federal funds or financial assistance prohibit sex discrimination in all educational programs and activities, including recruitment, student admissions, financial assistance, housing, access to academic offerings and athletics. You can contact the Title IX office by visiting the office at 231 Winslow Hall and via phone or email:
- Phone: 919.513.0574
- Email:
The mission of the Women’s Center is to build and create a community of authentic and engaged allies and leaders to pursue gender equity and social justice; enhancing the campus climate through education, advocacy, support and leadership development. The Women's Center hosts events as well as offering survivor services and educational resources. You can find the Women's Center in Talley Student Union (open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.). You can also reach them via phone or email:
- Phone: 919.515.2012
- Email:
Survivor Services
For people who have experienced or are experiencing interpersonal violence (domestic/dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, etc.), the Women's Center also has trained advocates who support survivors in understanding their options and navigating healing and recovery. The NC State Women’s Center serves ALL NC State students and we welcome students of all gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations.
Services include accompaniment to court, student conduct hearings, law enforcement agencies, and medical services; crisis intervention and emotional support; academic and housing accommodations; resource navigation and referrals; financial support; reporting options; and safety planning. You can reach these services through phone or email:
- Sexual Assault Helpline (Available 24/7): 919.515.4444
- Sexual Assault Email:
Note: Women's Center advocates are responsible employees and have an obligation to report all disclosures of interpersonal violence to NC State University. After a report is made, the university’s Title IX coordinator will reach out with an email offering resources and a chance to meet, which you have the right to accept or decline.