Graduate Student Association

Graduate Student Association (GSA)

The University Graduate Student Association, formed on October 6, 1958, is a student-led group that represents and acts on behalf of Graduate Students at North Carolina State University to improve the satisfaction and scholarship of our members during their time here. The UGSA serves Graduate Students by participating in student government, appointing students to university standing committees, and developing internal programs to assist graduate students with research and funding. 

CRDM Student Association (CRDMSA)

The CRDMSA promotes the academic and professional development of graduate students in the CRDM doctoral program and gives graduate students a platform to meet, learn, and share information and knowledge with their peers. The CRDMSA provides opportunities for students to give back to their graduate school community by serving as an officer, representative, or serving on ad hoc committees or workgroups as needed to conduct CRDMSA business or activities. Meetings are held monthly and are open to all students in the CRDM program, whether full- or part-time. Payment of dues is not required for membership, but is a prerequisite to receive funding from CRDMSA. The student association holds social events for CRDM students during the academic year. CRDMSA facilitates student input into issues regarding the CRDM program and is a primary channel through which faculty and administration recruit student representation on committees and workgroups. In addition, CRDMSA provides some travel funding for students attending professional conferences which is made available through our affiliation with NC State’s Student Government. The CRDMSA also maintains an Instagram profile that highlights social events, student acheivements, professional development opportunities, and funding opportunities. You can follow the CRDMSA's activities on Instagram (@ncstatecrdm).