NC State's library system is composed of several libraries. The D. H. Hill Library is NC State University's main library, located on the north campus. The Hunt Library is the university's second main library, located on Centennial Campus. The majority of research resources used by CRDM students are located in these libraries. The Harrye B. Lyons Design Library is another important asset to design research developed in the CRDM program. The library is located on the second floor of Brooks Hall, the main building of the College of Design. The library offers services just for Graduate Students, including work spaces, commons, labs and more.
DH Hill Library
2 W Broughton Dr, Raleigh, NC 27695
Phone: (919) 515-3364
The D. H. Hill Library is NC State University’s main library, located on the north campus. The library features the state-of-the-art MakerSpace, and the Learning Commons, one of the top student destinations on campus for collaboration, study, and access to technology. It also features the Special Collections Research Center; the Digital Media Lab; a coffee bar and ice cream shop; and the majority of the NC State Libraries/ collection of over 4.5 million items.
James B. Hunt Jr. Library
1070 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC 27606
Phone: (919) 515-7110
The James B. Hunt Jr. Library supports and provides revolutionary spaces for digital learning and collaboration in an iconic building that captures the spirit of NC State University’s strengths in science, engineering, technology, and textiles. Resources include cutting-edge visualization studios; audio and video recording bays; gaming rooms; check-outs of diverse technologies such as Google Glass, GoPros, Digital SLRs, iPads and more. The building itself has dozens of areas for students to study in a variety of single, small-group, and large-group settings.
CIRCUIT Research Studio
The CIRCUIT Research Studio is open to all CRDM students and faculty for research related projects at all phases of development, student meetings, and CRDM related social events. Some of the research areas supported include: Games, Mobile Communication, Digital Rhetoric, Digital Humanities, and Physical Computing.
Ricks Hall Annex
The CRDM program has its own private office space for enrolled students, with cubicle space available for students who wish to have a dedicated on-campus desk. Only CRDM students are allowed office space in Ricks Hall Annex’s ground level.
The building is one minute away from the Winston / Caldwell / Tompkins complex, where many students attend classes and do their teaching and where many faculty have their offices. It is also conveniently located on Hillsborough Street, a main thoroughfare of NC State and a site of many restaurants and eateries.
- Conference room seating (8 comfortably at the conference table, with additional seating along the wall)
- White Board
- Two LED digital displays
- VGA and HDMI connections
- AirMedia capability for wireless display
- BluRay Player
- PolyCom Conference System
- WebCam
Winston / Caldwell / Tompkins Halls
Most classes in English and Communication are taught in a set of connected buildings, one minute away from the CRDM offices. The CRDM Program Associate and many CRDM faculty are also housed here, providing easy access for meetings. The classrooms are outfitted in a variety of technological and seating arrangements, ranging from large auditoriums to small group seminar rooms. The Caldwell Lounge is an open atrium where many activities take place, from research talks to poetry readings to meetings of student organizations.