Full Graduate Faculty Status Policy

  1. Tenured Associate Professors and Professors in the Department of Communication and the Department of English who are already members of the CRDM Program faculty are eligible for full graduate faculty status in the CRDM program. See the University Policy on Membership in the Graduate Faculty.
  2. Once a year near the beginning of fall semester but after new faculty in both the Department of Communication and the Department of English have been voted on for associate graduate faculty membership in the CRDM Program Faculty, the CRDM DGP will request nominations for full graduate faculty status. The request will be sent to the entire CRDM Program Faculty. Self nominations are permitted.
  3. Nominations must include a brief CV (no more than 3 pages) that focuses on research, evidence of excellence in graduate teaching, and evidence of mentorship of graduate students (service on committees, directing or co-directing theses and dissertations).
  4. The full members of the graduate faculty of the CRDM Program Faculty will evaluate the nominations and conduct a vote before the end of the fall semester. Results will be reported to the nominees, their department heads, and the Graduate School by the CRDM DGP.

Approved by the Full Members of the Graduate Faculty of the CRDM Program, 25 April 2007.