2013 Symposium: Publications
Emerging Genres in New Media Environments
Carolyn Miller ![](https://cdn.chass.ncsu.edu/sites/crdm.chass.ncsu.edu/images/sym2013.png)
Ashley R. Kelly
“Where do Genres Come From?”
Carolyn R. Miller
Part I: Medium
Bridge to Genre: Spanning Technological Change
Janet Giltrow
Remediating Diagnosis: A Familiar Narrative Form or Emerging Digital Genre?
Lora Arduser
Russian New Media Users’ Reaction to a Meteor Explosion in Chelyabinsk: Twitter Versus Youtube
Natalia Rulyova
Resisting the “Natural”: Rhetorical Delivery and the Natural User Interface
Ben McCorkle
Expansive Genres of Play: Getting Serious About Game Genres for the Design of Future Learning Environments
Brad Mehlenbacher and Christopher Kampe
Part II: Genre Transformation
From Printed Newspaper to Digital Newspaper: What Has Changed?
Jaqueline Barreto Lé
Cross-Culturally Narrating Risks, Imagination, and Realities of HIV/AIDS
Huiling Ding
Source as a Paratext: Videogame Adaptations and the Question of Fidelity
Neil Randall
Atypical Rhetorical Actions: Defying Genre Expectations on Amazon.com
Christopher Basgier
Part III: Values
Autopathographies in New Media Environments at the Turn of the 21st Century
Tamar Tembeck
Sentimentalism in Online Deliberation: Assessing the Generic Liability of Immigration Discourses
E. Johanna Hartelius
Collected Debris of Public Memory: Commemorative Genres and the Mediation of the Past
Victoria Gallegher and Jason Kalin
Hard Ephemera: Textual Tactility and the Design of the Post-Digital Narrative in Chris Ware’s “Colorful Keepsake Box” and Other Non-Objects
Colbey Emmerson Reid
Genre Emergence and Disappearance in Feminist Histories of Rhetoric
Risa Applegrath
Postscript: Futures for Genre Studies
Ashely Rose Kelly