2011 Symposium: Publications

William Kinsella, pg. 250

Articles from Environmental Communication, Vol 6 Issue 2

Environments, Risks, and the Limits of Representation: Examples from Nuclear Energy and Some Implications of Fukushima 

William Kinsella, pgs. 251-259

Communicating in Germany about the Fukushima Accident: How Direct Encounter Beat Media Representations
Tudor B. Ionescu, pgs. 260-267

Figuring Out #Fukushima: An Initial Look at Functions and Content of US Twitter Commentary About Nuclear Risk
Andrew R. Binder, pgs. 268-277

Merging Duke Energy and Progress Energy: Online Public Discourse, Post-Fukushima Reactions, and the Absence of Environmental Communication
Meagan Kittle Autry & Ashley R. Kelly, pgs. 278-284